Tuesday 8 September 2015

To the best guy friend ever (an open letter)

Have you ever found that one guy who turns out to be as crazy and weird as you are?
That one guy who loves spontaneity. That one guy who loves to have fun like you.

Well I guess I'm lucky, because I did. I have found him in the most unexpected ways. And I'm really really thankful for it.

I can just be myself whenever he's around. I can be funny without even trying so hard. I can share anything without being judged. In short, I can fully trust him.

But unfortunately he had to leave. He had to go back to Australia. And it broke my heart because I knew about it from the very beginning. And I attached myself so hard, knowing that I have this separation anxiety.

I got so close to him. We had a lot of great moments together -- doing fun stuff, going on food adventures, being wasted (well only him) during solid raves, checking out some indie stuff (which was really not his thing), and a whole lot more.

My favorite moment of us would definitely be during #U5 (a wet party). We were dancing to the beat of a major cool song, under the rain! And it felt like I was living my life to the fullest. No worries and regrets in life.

Aside from our awesomeness, I love how we don't settle for less. We always aim for more. We both have big dreams and plans in the future. Hashtag goals in life!

We were only friends for 6 months but it felt like I knew him since forever.


Hey, you. Thanks for the solid friendship. It was a fun ride with ya. And I won't ever forget about it all. You may have not noticed that you are so so special to me but I always tried to show it in the littlest ways. I got ninja moves!

I won't deny that I like you because who would not like such an amazing person? Plus you are really different from the others. But I guess we are better off this way. Just because I don't want us to be awkward. You are my bestfriend.

Thank you for everything, especially for listening to my childish thoughts. Take care and I shall see you again. We still need to complete our imaginary bucketlist!

You know that you got my back. Always. Goodluck with college and whatever adventures you will be having. I hope that it will let you discover more of yourself and make you the best person that you are. Don't be afraid to experiment and explore. Spontaneity is life, like what you always say.

PS don't you ever forget about me because if you do, I'll kill ya. Listen to Fools by The Ransom Collective! It is indie tho. Lol. Everytime I hear it, I remember our first fresh moments together. I will miss you, weirdo. Keep in touch.

PPS you are the best guy friend I ever had.

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